Is Persona 3 Worth It? Reddit Users Share Their Thoughts

Should you buy Persona 3? Reddit users weigh in on the popular RPG game, sharing their insights and opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Considering buying Persona 3 but not sure if it’s worth it? Reddit users have strong opinions on whether this RPG is a hit or miss. Let’s dive into the discussion and see what they have to say!


  • Persona 3 may not be the best introductory point to the JRPG series.
  • The game is considered slow by some but has a dedicated fan base.
  • Opinions vary on whether newcomers should start with Persona 3 or a different title in the series.
  • Consider your preferences for anime, turn-based combat, and heavy text reading before diving in.

Some Say Yes, Some Say No

Opinions on Persona 3’s worthiness vary widely among Reddit users. Some, like blueteamk087, believe that Persona 3 Reload is a must-buy, even more so when it’s on sale. Others, such as Somegamer5, caution against diving into the Persona series headfirst if you’re not a fan of RPGs.

A Game for Story Enthusiasts

For those who value a good narrative, Persona 3 seems to deliver. Reddit user silenttstorm- praises the game’s story, deeming it the best of the series, while also highlighting the updated combat mechanics that enhance the overall experience.

Mixed Feelings on Accessibility

Accessibility is a crucial factor in deciding whether to jump into Persona 3. While HelpfulAdeptness8583 suggests that the game is beginner-friendly, jjw1998 warns of its slow start, potentially deterring newcomers unaccustomed to JRPGs.