Is Suicide Squad Gaming Cancelled? Players Speak Out on Future Content

Players express concerns over the silence regarding the future of Suicide Squad gaming and its upcoming seasons in this Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad gamers are anxious about the lack of news on upcoming seasons. Will the game continue to receive support?


  • Players are uncertain about the future of the game’s content.
  • Some believe the game has potential but lacks sufficient updates and communication.
  • Concerns about developers not delivering on promises are rising among the community.

Players’ Sentiments

Many players feel let down by the lack of communication regarding the roadmap and future seasons. They express frustration over the game’s current state and missing content updates.

One player mentions, ‘Games used to get released in a polished, finished state, but today’s games are rushed out with promise after promise, disappointing players.’

Another player shares, ‘They decided to do the bare minimum. I played the main campaign and stopped. I don’t like super repetitive games.’

Community Speculations

Players speculate that the game might not see all its planned content releases due to a possible lack of fanbase and longevity. The choice to set it in the Arkhamverse and incorporate a looter shooter concept is also criticized.

One user reflects, ‘…they should have just had it as a standalone elseworld title and avoided the looter shooter concept.’

Concerns about the gameplay loop not being rewarding and the need for more engaging single-player experiences are highlighted.

Positive Outlook

Despite criticisms, some players are optimistic and enjoy the game, looking forward to further updates. They express hope for improvements and mention playing more when the game becomes more affordable.

‘It’s actually cool to see that people are enjoying the game in this Reddit. I’ll probably play more of it when it goes really cheap,’ one player shares.

Players await news on the future of Suicide Squad gaming, hoping for a resurgence in content and engagement within the community.