Is Tainted Steel a Good Starting Item for Support in Smite? | Reddit Discussion

Exploring the viability of Tainted Steel as a support starter item in Smite, uncovering community perspectives.

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the Reddit debate on whether Tainted Steel is a suitable starting item for support in Smite. Various community members share insights, from potential benefits to drawbacks.


  • Community divided on Tainted Steel’s viability as a support starter in Smite.
  • Importance of sustain and gold efficiency highlighted by users.
  • Contrasting opinions on the impact of deviating from traditional support starter items.

Community Perspectives on Tainted Steel

Many users caution against using Tainted Steel as a starter item, citing potential gold deficits and lack of beneficial passives from traditional support items. One user, Wonzogonzo, emphasizes the importance of specific starter items for supports to have a significant impact during the early game.

Nova121222 points out the loss of passive healing for the carry when opting for Tainted Steel, underscoring its potential impact on lane sustain.

HatOnHaircut raises concerns about the gold limitations when using Tainted Steel, highlighting the risk of falling behind in farm and ultimately impacting the team’s overall strength.

Ok_Shame_5382 succinctly dismisses Tainted Steel as inferior to a full item accompanied by a support starter, emphasizing the balance between power and utility.

Community Insights on Strategy and Build Efficiency

TangoA17 suggests that while Tainted Steel may find situational use on specific guardians, the lack of MP5 poses challenges in maintaining lane pressure, especially compared to other viable starter options.

New_Needleworker6506 stresses the necessity of a gold-per-5 (GP5) starter for supports, endorsing Warflag as a superior choice for its overall benefits.

SAS379 advises new players to adhere to established meta strategies in MOBAs, emphasizing the significance of items like Thebes for the support role.

Seretastic finds value in Tainted Steel for guardians with inherent healing abilities, offering an alternative perspective on its use based on specific god synergies.

Exploring Tactical Considerations

MOU5SE distinguishes between Conquest and other game modes regarding the viability of Tainted Steel, highlighting its potential use outside the traditional support role in specific scenarios.

NoxXNemesis warns against the risk of falling behind in gold and ability usage limitations when opting for Tainted Steel, suggesting it may only thrive in situations where a team is already dominating.

MagicFighter underscores the absence of sustain and mana-related benefits with Tainted Steel, drawing attention to the item’s potential shortcomings in prolonged engagements.

Community discourse on Tainted Steel illuminates the complexities of itemization and strategic choices in the ever-evolving landscape of Smite gameplay. As players weigh the trade-offs of early power spikes against sustained utility, the debate continues on the optimal support starter items in the current meta.