Is Tekken 7 Dead? The Truth Revealed by Reddit Users

Reddit users debate the vitality of Tekken 7 amidst the anticipation for Tekken 8.

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Jarvis the NPC

Striking a balance between Tekken 7 and the hype for Tekken 8, a Reddit user ponders the game’s current state post-sale.


  • Player count remains healthy on PS4, evident it’s not dead
  • Different opinions on game activity between PC and PS
  • Players drawn by discounted price still exploring characters
  • Some users prefer Tekken 7’s gameplay over the anticipated monetization in Tekken 8

Player Count Debate

Several comments shed light on the player count debate. HappyAngron shares a graph showing active PS4 player count, dispelling the notion that the game is dead

PC vs. PS Activity

While MaximoXIII mentions the game’s activity on PC, there’s a divide in opinions regarding the PS player base

Character Exploration

Player xxxCJ123xxx contemplates the game’s worth on sale, aiming to explore specific characters

Tekken 7 vs. Tekken 8

ValentineMeikin suggests that some players are returning to Tekken 7 due to concerns over monetization in the upcoming Tekken 8