Is Tekken 8 Losing its Grasp on Players? Evaluating User Sentiment

Dive into the Tekken 8 community's concerns about player numbers and the game's future on Steam.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players are expressing worry about Tekken 8’s player count and the game’s future on Steam. The lack of communication and unaddressed issues are causing concern among the community. Harada and the Tekken team’s approach leaves players questioning the game’s direction and transparency. Let’s delve into the Reddit post and comments to understand the sentiment surrounding Tekken 8.


  • The game’s dwindling player count is attributed to issues like unaddressed grievances, lack of transparency, and problematic changes.
  • Street Fighter 6’s success is juxtaposed with Tekken 8’s struggles, highlighting areas where Tekken falls short.
  • Prowess-based matchmaking, questionable balance changes, and a flawed MTX system are key concerns affecting player experience.

Players’ Concerns

The community points out the negative impact of stealth changes to ranked system, unsatisfactory MTX implementation, and lack of communication from the Tekken team.

Matchmaking Woes

Players compare Tekken 8’s matchmaking system unfavorably to Street Fighter 6, citing better balance, DLC characters, and overall online experience in the latter.

Ranked Experience

Issues with prowess-based matchmaking leading to limited match options and frustrations for high-ranking players are raised, impacting the gameplay experience negatively.

This perfect storm of discontent among the fanbase questions Tekken 8’s future and indicates a turning tide in player sentiment. As the community voices concerns over unaddressed issues, the game’s player count faces uncertainty. Whether Tekken 8 can regain its player base’s trust and address the highlighted grievances remains to be seen.