Is the Bag Size Really Ruining Team Fight Tactics (TFT)? Reddit Users Speak Out

What do players think about the bag-size changes in TFT? Is it a game-changer or a major disappointment? Find out from Reddit users!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are divided on whether the recent bag-size changes have improved or worsened their gameplay experience. Some argue that the changes have made the game less enjoyable and more frustrating, while others appreciate the shift in strategy and meta diversity.


  • Players find it challenging to hit uncontested 2 and 3-cost units due to smaller bag sizes
  • Smaller bag sizes encourage diverse strategies but can be frustrating when contested
  • Skill in adapting to uncontested picks and scouting opponents is crucial

K15brbapt’s Insight

K15brbapt feels triggered by the limited availability of 3-cost units, making certain strategies riskier and less rewarding.

demon5405’s Perspective

demon5405 emphasizes the challenge in hitting uncontested units this set, leading to a shift in gameplay approach towards higher-cost characters.

Lougarockets’ Mixed Feelings

Lougarockets acknowledges the benefits of smaller bag sizes but raises concerns about restricted gameplay choices and the impact of uncontested strategies.

WeightOwn5817, fryseyes, Badass_Farmor, bentheblaster57, and Athleon also share their varied opinions on the bag-size changes, reflecting the community’s diverse views

FirewaterDM and highrollr weigh in on the impact of bag size on gameplay and player perception

The discourse on Reddit highlights the nuanced perspectives of TFT players, showcasing the complexity of adapting to game balance updates

Categories TFT