Is the Suicide Squad Game Dead? Reddit Users Speak Out

Is the Suicide Squad game really dead? Reddit users share their thoughts and concerns.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Suicide Squad gaming community is abuzz with speculation about the game’s future.


  • Players express concerns about lack of new seasons.
  • Some feel the game is repetitive and struggling.
  • Speculation about character releases and game updates.

Players Weigh In

There are mixed reactions from players regarding the state of the game. User ‘naughtychef1’ acknowledges the game’s struggles and jokes about its dwindling player base. On the other hand, ‘Haunter777x’ expresses boredom with the repetitive nature of the gameplay. Some users, like ‘DiscountThug,’ question the potential introduction of new characters and how they will be made available in the game.

Community Speculation

‘Batmanswrath’ shares skepticism about the lack of official news and references past disappointments. Meanwhile, ‘KommanderKrebs’ focuses on the visual aspects of the game, specifically pointing out discrepancies in character designs. It’s evident that the community is divided on the current state and future of the Suicide Squad game.

The Outlook

As the community awaits updates and clarity on the game’s future, the discussions on Reddit reflect a mix of concern and skepticism. While some players are resigned to the game’s fate, others hold out hope for revitalization or improvements that could keep the Suicide Squad gaming experience alive.