Is the Suicide Squad IP Burnout? Exploring Fan Sentiments

Discover why fans think the Suicide Squad IP might be facing burnout in the gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Suicide Squad IP has sparked a debate among fans regarding burnout and overuse.


  • DC flogging the IP too hard, driving it into the ground.
  • Harley Quinn appearing everywhere is getting old.
  • The concept of the Suicide Squad is praised, but DC’s execution is questionable.
  • Comparisons made to a child actor pushed by parents to stardom.
  • Fan Sentiments on Overuse

    RVDKaneanite mentioned that the IP was never a huge hit but made money when other DCEU projects failed, leading to excessive exploitation.

    The sentiment of tying in Harley Quinn excessively across various media was critiqued by Thelgow, expressing fatigue with her ubiquitous presence.

    Misuse of the Concept

    PeachyPunks felt DC’s handling of the Suicide Squad’s concept is questionable, especially with choices like a Suicide Squad anime, raising questions on the IP’s treatment.

    Die-Hearts drew parallels between the IP’s situation and a child star being exploited, questioning if there was even an initial demand for such a push.