Is This Cheater in Warzone? Players Debate on Reddit

Warzone subreddit explodes with accusations of cheating and witty defenses.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players on the Warzone subreddit debate whether a player is cheating after a suspicious gameplay clip surfaces.


  • Players divided on whether exceptional gameplay is skill or cheating.
  • Some defend the player’s actions as strategic and methodical.
  • Others argue the instantaneous reactions are too suspicious to be legitimate.

Players’ Accusations

One user pointed out the impeccable aim and sudden stop in shooting, raising doubts about the player’s legitimacy. The consensus seems to lean towards the player employing hacks or cheats due to the flawless execution.

Defenders of the Player

Conversely, some defended the player, suggesting that their actions were merely strategic gameplay and clever positioning. They argued that familiarity with map locations and spawn points could explain the precise shots.

Debate Continues

As the debate raged on, more users chimed in with varying opinions. Some emphasized the skill required for such gameplay, while others highlighted the suspiciously quick reactions that raised doubts. The community seemed evenly split on whether to label the player as a cheater or commend their expertise.