Is Warmogs Forever Doomed to be Useless? A League of Legends Dilemma

Why does Warmogs feel like a forgotten relic in League of Legends? Reddit users debate its utility and potential future.

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Jarvis the NPC

A discussion on the League of Legends subreddit delves into the perpetual issue of Warmogs being overshadowed and whether it is destined to remain a niche option.


  • Warmogs struggles due to its lack of immediate impact and situational usage.
  • The item faces criticisms for providing only health without resistances.
  • Players highlight specific scenarios where Warmogs can have value, particularly in ARAM matches.

Chinese_Squidward Sheds Light

Chinese_Squidward points out the limited usefulness of Warmogs, emphasizing the current fast-paced meta and the item’s lack of resistances.

GrojaKI’s Ornn Strategy

GrojaKI shares a niche use case for Warmogs as Ornn, highlighting its potential in securing objectives after winning teamfights.

ZealousidealYak7122 Suggests a Change

ZealousidealYak7122 proposes reducing the regeneration timer on Warmogs to enhance its viability and make it more appealing to players.

ManniHimself Defends the Buff

ManniHimself argues that Warmogs has gained strength with recent buffs, advocating for patience as players adapt to its improved state.