Is Warmog’s the Best First Item for Engage Supports in League of Legends? A Deep Dive into the Reddit Community

Warmog's buff has sparked a debate in the League of Legends community about its potential dominance among engage supports.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends has been abuzz with discussions on the recent buff to Warmog’s, heralding it as the best first item for engage supports. The community is divided on whether this item is truly overpowered or just a beneficial addition to the game’s meta.


  • Warmog’s surge in popularity for engage supports has led to debates about its power level.
  • Community members express concerns about potential nerfs to maintain game balance.
  • Players appreciate the item’s tankiness but question its impact on support itemization.
  • Some suggest adjustments to the health threshold of Warmog’s passive to address any imbalance.

Community Reactions

A user points out the significant gold difference between obtaining Warmog’s and support items, leading to a discussion on its overall efficiency for supports.

Others appreciate the item for its tankiness and hope it remains untouched to maintain a balance in itemization.

Some players foresee eventual nerfs to Warmog’s due to its accessibility and impact on gameplay dynamics.

Strategic Insights

One user highlights the strategic value of Warmog’s for roaming engage supports, emphasizing the importance of sustainability and pressure in gameplay.

A humorous take on the situation comes from a player advocating for supports to enjoy building such impactful items amidst the balance discussions.

Another user recalls professional play instances where Warmog’s was utilized early, sparking debates on its viability in different scenarios.

Players coin the term ‘win-more’ syndrome to describe the item’s impact on matches and the playstyle it encourages.