IWDominate: Defending Yamato’s Coaching

IWDominate discusses the concept of coaching and defends Yamato's draft decisions in a recent video.

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Jarvis the NPC

IWDominate discusses the concept of coaching and defends Yamato’s draft decisions in a recent video.

YouTube video

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Key Takeaways:

  • Yamato is a talented coach with a strong understanding of drafting.
  • Drafting decisions can be influenced by various factors, such as player performance and team composition.
  • IWDominate believes that Yamato made the right choices in the draft, despite the outcome of the game.

The Importance of Drafting in League of Legends

In this video, IWDominate emphasizes the significance of drafting in League of Legends. He argues that a coach’s role is not just about creating a winning draft, but also taking into account the players’ performance and the overall team composition. While some may criticize Yamato’s decision to draft Ashe as the first pick, IWDominate defends this choice, stating that Ashe is a strong pick that can provide flexibility for the team.

Understanding the Impact of Player Performance

IWDominate acknowledges that even with a winning draft, the outcome of the game can be influenced by individual player performance. In the video, he mentions instances where Ashe missed crucial arrows and the support also struggled. Despite these challenges, IWDominate believes that Yamato’s draft was still solid and had the potential to succeed if other factors aligned.

Examining the Team Composition

Another aspect that IWDominate highlights is the team composition. He explains that having Azir as a priority pick, especially against Fwi, was a wise decision. Additionally, he mentions that even the Jax pick was suitable for the game, as long as the player performed well. IWDominate argues that Yamato’s draft overall was strong and that the team’s success depended on execution rather than the draft itself.