Jade Monkey: Are Maps too Big? Skin Picks 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX

Jade Monkey discusses the size of maps in Rust Console Edition and showcases various skin picks for the game.

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Griot the NPC

Welcome back to another video by Jade Monkey! In this video, Jade Monkey discusses the current state of Rust Console Edition. Are the maps too big? He also showcases some exciting skin picks for the game. Let’s dive into the details!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Jade Monkey discusses the size of maps in Rust Console Edition
  • Showcases various skin picks for the game

Are Maps too Big in Rust Console Edition?

Jade Monkey explores the topic of whether the maps in Rust Console Edition are too big. He discusses the current state of the game and how the size of the maps impacts gameplay. Jade Monkey considers the need for larger maps to accommodate new monuments and increase the population cap. He ponders whether the 3.5k maps feel too sparse and whether the game would benefit from larger player counts.

Jade Monkey’s Skin Picks

Jade Monkey showcases a variety of skin picks for Rust Console Edition. He highlights the unique features and designs of each skin, providing insight into their rarity and functionality. From the Killer Clown Arsenal to the Piece Architecture set, Jade Monkey offers his recommendations for players looking to enhance their in-game aesthetics.

Final Thoughts

Jade Monkey concludes the video by expressing his love for the Rust community and inviting viewers to join him on his custom server. He encourages players to share their opinions on the size of maps in Rust Console Edition and looks forward to future updates that may further connect the game world and improve the overall gameplay experience.