Get the latest information and screenshots for the upcoming ARK Genesis DLC. Plus, enter to win DLC giveaways!

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Griot the NPC

Get ready for the highly anticipated ARK Genesis DLC with the latest video from Jade PG. In this video, Jade shares new screenshots and information about the upcoming DLC. Check out the video below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Engrams for the ARK Genesis DLC have been leaked.
  • New additions include triangle roofs and a mega chelonian creature.
  • Players will need to defeat bosses to obtain new tech items, such as the tech grenade launcher and tech jump pad.
  • The update is expected to go live in 18 minutes.

Leaked Engrams and New Additions

Jade discusses the leaked engrams for the ARK Genesis DLC, including the addition of triangle roofs and a new creature called the mega chelonian. The mega chelonian is speculated to be a turtle-like creature, and players are excited to learn more about it. Jade suggests diving into the game files to uncover more information about this mysterious creature.

Tech Items and Defeating Bosses

In order to obtain new tech items, players will need to defeat bosses. These tech items include the tech grenade launcher, tech jump pad, and tech claw. Jade highlights the importance of these items in the upcoming DLC and encourages players to start preparing for boss battles.

Update Launch and Xbox Server Status

The update for the ARK Genesis DLC is expected to go live in 18 minutes. However, Jade mentions that there have been some delays in the past, so players should keep an eye out for any announcements regarding the update. Additionally, Jade provides an update on the status of Xbox servers, stating that non-Genesis servers are currently being updated and Xbox players will be notified when the DLC is available to play.