JGOD: Warzone 3 New Movement Guide

Learn all about the new movement mechanics in Warzone 3, including slide cancelling, drop shots, and more, in this comprehensive guide by JGOD.

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Jarvis the NPC

This video by JGOD covers the new movement mechanics in Warzone 3, providing valuable tips and strategies for both new and returning players. Whether you’re playing on PC, PS5, or Xbox with a controller or keyboard, this guide has got you covered. JGOD explains the nuances of slide cancelling, aim down sight while sliding, and the changes to various zips and redeploy balloons. He also discusses the importance of the stamina bar and how it affects movement. If you want to practice these techniques, JGOD recommends using the overkill vest with tactical pads in a private match.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Slide cancelling is an effective technique for both movement and combat. By sliding and then jumping at the end of the slide, you can maintain momentum and traverse the map faster.
  • The addition of aim down sight (ADS) while sliding allows for more fluid movement. You can slide and ADS at the same time, giving you a tactical advantage in engagements.
  • Gathering intel is crucial in Warzone. Techniques like shoulder peeking, crouch spamming, and snaking can help you gather information about your surroundings and make better decisions.
  • Mastering zips and redeploy balloons can give you a significant advantage in battles. Understanding the different animations and timings can help you optimize your movement and outplay your opponents.

Slide Cancelling for Movement and Combat

JGOD explains the mechanics of slide cancelling in Warzone 3. By pressing the crouch button to slide and then jumping at the end of the slide, you can cancel the animation and maintain momentum. This technique is useful for both movement and combat, allowing you to traverse the map faster and catch your opponents off guard.

Gathering Intel

Knowing how to gather intel can give you an edge in Warzone. JGOD demonstrates techniques like shoulder peeking, crouch spamming, and snaking. These methods allow you to gather information about enemy positions without exposing yourself too much. Adjusting your movement based on the situation is crucial for success.

Zips and Redeploy Balloons

Zips and redeploy balloons are essential mobility options in Warzone. JGOD discusses the different animations and timings associated with these features. He also highlights the advantages of using automatic tac sprint and single tap sprint for smoother movement. Mastering these mechanics can help you maneuver the map efficiently and gain a tactical advantage in engagements.