jmcrofts: M. Bison’s Damage Might be a Problem…

jmcrofts explores the potential issues with M. Bison's damage in Street Fighter 6 Season 2 DLC.

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Griot the NPC

Folks, the first DLC character of Season 2 of Street Fighter 6 is M. Bison, and there are already concerns about his damage potential in the community. In this video, jmcrofts dives into Bison’s combo trials and explores the damaging combos players have been finding online. Let’s see if M. Bison’s damage is truly a problem.

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Key Takeaways:

  • M. Bison’s new Target Combos and sweep provide interesting options.
  • Scissor Kicks now have a fireball motion, allowing for new combo potential.
  • His combo trials showcase his high damage potential.
  • M. Bison’s bomb setups and mixups add to his overall strength.

M. Bison’s New Moves and Combos

M. Bison’s redesign in Street Fighter 6 Season 2 brings new moves and combo potential. His new Target Combos and sweep offer unique options for players. Additionally, his Scissor Kicks now have a fireball motion, allowing for more versatile combos and mixups.

During his combo trials, jmcrofts highlights M. Bison’s high damage potential. His combos are not overly difficult, but players have also been discovering even crazier and more optimal combos online.

M. Bison’s Bomb Setups and Mixups

M. Bison’s bomb setups are a significant part of his gameplay. By setting a bomb on the opponent, he can create mixup opportunities and explosive damage. The bombs can be set off with his Psycho Crusher, adding another layer of pressure to his game.

One interesting aspect is his ability to combo off throws. However, it seems that the bomb’s invincibility frames prevent M. Bison from comboing off throws similar to other characters. Nevertheless, M. Bison’s throw game remains threatening due to his loop potential.

M. Bison’s High Damage Potential

One of the major concerns raised in the video is M. Bison’s high damage potential. With the bomb on the opponent and some EX meter to work with, M. Bison can deal a ridiculous amount of damage. In the right circumstances, he can rival characters like Mara in terms of damage output.

Overall, jmcrofts enjoys M. Bison’s redesign in Street Fighter 6 and looks forward to exploring more of his kit. There are still unexplored aspects, such as his ex Devils Reverse and other specials, that have the potential to enhance his gameplay further.