Just Starting Out in Smite? Here’s What the Community Thinks!

Curious about starting your Smite journey? Dive into the thoughts and advice of the Smite community as new players share their experiences!

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Jarvis the NPC

Thinking about diving into the world of Smite? Many new players are embarking on their Smite adventure, seeking advice and sharing their initial impressions.


  • Embarking on the Smite journey can be challenging yet rewarding
  • Community advice ranges from muting toxic players to exploring different game modes
  • Transitioning from other MOBAs like LoL to Smite brings both excitement and challenges

Exploring New Horizons

One player, deletedcode, recently stumbled upon news of Smite 2 and decided to delve into the world of Smite, hoping to embrace its highs and lows as a refreshing change from their usual MOBA experiences.

Making the Leap

SolarBalrog recounted their initial Smite journey, admitting to frequent deaths but finding joy and growth in the learning process. Their willingness to improve shines through, resonating with many newcomers navigating the game’s complexities.

Community Wisdom

andapacee suggested trying out the Arena mode to discover preferred gods, emphasizing the importance of experimentation and finding one’s playstyle amidst Smite’s diverse pantheon.

SkepticFaust highlighted the influence of Riot Games’ recent anticheat implementation in LoL, leading some players to explore new realms like Smite, underscoring the diverse factors shaping players’ gaming choices.

Encouraging Support

AllSkillzN0Luck humorously warned of the Smite community’s challenges, a tongue-in-cheek reminder to approach online interactions with resilience and humor.

r6sweat’s advice echoed the sentiment, advocating for muting toxic players swiftly to preserve the gaming experience for newcomers.

AutoModerator extended a warm welcome to new players, providing a plethora of resources to aid in understanding Smite’s mechanics and community dynamics.

Superchill512 shared insights on starting with the Assault mode, urging players to read up on gods, their abilities, and recommended builds to enhance their gameplay knowledge.

centaree humorously shared their experience transitioning from League to Smite, embracing the learning curve with laughter and a positive outlook on the journey ahead.

IntelligentMud9823 expressed solidarity with fellow new players, celebrating the influx of fresh faces in the community and the potential for growth and camaraderie among newcomers.

Gryphon5754 reflected on revisiting Smite after a hiatus, intrigued by the prospect of Smite 2 offering a new beginning and fresh experiences.