Justin Wong: Battling a Skilled Urien in Third Strike

Join Justin Wong as he faces off against a formidable Urien player in Third Strike and puts his skills to the test.

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Griot the NPC

Justin Wong takes on a skilled Urien player in Third Strike and finds himself facing a tough challenge. In this video, Wong shares his intense and sweaty experience, highlighting the close set and his efforts to step up his game. If you’re a fan of competitive gameplay and want to see Wong in action, make sure to watch the video!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Justin Wong faces a skilled Urien player in Third Strike
  • The set is intense and closely contested
  • Wong reflects on his gameplay and efforts to improve

Challenging the Bunny Rabbit

Throughout the video, Wong repeatedly mentions the difficulty of stopping his opponent’s Urien, comparing him to a bunny rabbit. Wong struggles to predict and counter the Urien player’s moves, leading to intense moments of guessing and 50/50 situations. Despite the challenges, Wong remains determined to find a way to overcome his opponent’s strategies.

Plans for Content in Japan

Wong shares his upcoming plans for content creation during his trip to Japan. He mentions the possibility of vlogs showcasing Japanese food and shopping spots, as well as interviews with locals during the EVO Japan event. Wong’s excitement for experiencing Japanese arcades and culture shines through as he discusses his content ideas.

Technical Challenges and Commentary Work

Wong briefly touches on technical difficulties he faced during his commentary work for Battle of VC, a Tekken 8 and Street Fighter 6 event. He speculates that his voice might sound different due to fatigue from the long hours of commentary. Additionally, Wong mentions feeling worn out and possibly sick, as he notices a lot of people around him dealing with throat-related issues.

Strategies and Mistakes

As the matches continue, Wong reflects on his gameplay and the strategies he employs. He mentions using parries to counter his opponent’s attacks and discusses the effectiveness of certain moves, such as back Fierce. Wong also admits to making mistakes, such as missing a crucial attack or misreading his opponent’s intentions. Despite these setbacks, Wong remains focused on adapting and improving his gameplay.

A Close Set and the Final Outcome

The set between Wong and the Urien player remains closely contested throughout. Both players showcase their skills and engage in intense exchanges. Wong manages to make a comeback and take the lead, but his opponent fights back, leading to a nail-biting finish. Ultimately, Wong comes out victorious, showcasing his determination and skill in the game.