Justin Wong: Struggling in Third Strike

Justin Wong faces tough competition in Third Strike and struggles to keep up. Watch the video to see his journey.

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Griot the NPC

Justin Wong returns to Third Strike and finds himself struggling against tough opponents. Despite his skills in other fighting games, he is challenged by the dedicated Third Strike community. Check out the video below to witness his journey.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Justin Wong returns to Third Strike after a long absence.
  • He struggles against skilled Third Strike players.
  • Wong realizes the importance of being more aggressive and risky in his gameplay.
  • The kunai move proves to be a challenging aspect to deal with.

Challenging Third Strike Opponents

Justin Wong finds himself facing off against highly skilled Third Strike players who have dedicated themselves to the game. Despite his expertise in other fighting games, Wong struggles to keep up with the unique mechanics and strategies of Third Strike.

Need for Aggression and Risk-Taking

During his matches, Wong realizes that he needs to be more aggressive and take more risks in his gameplay. Playing a 50/50 game and relying on defensive strategies alone is not enough to overcome his opponents. Wong understands the importance of being more proactive and unpredictable.

The Kunai Challenge

One of the major challenges Wong faces is dealing with the kunai move used by his opponents. He struggles to find a reliable way to counter or avoid the kunai, which creates difficult situations for him in the matches. Wong realizes that he needs to come up with effective strategies to handle this move.