Kibbles Gaming: How to Get the Fastest Flying Mount, Best Pal in the Game, Jetragon Boss Cheese Catch Method

Learn how to obtain the fastest flying mount in the game, along with the best pal, and a cheese method for catching the Jetragon boss.

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Jarvis the NPC

In this video from Kibbles Gaming, you’ll discover how to acquire the fastest flying mount in the game, as well as the best pal and a cheese method for catching the Jetragon boss. This mount is incredibly fast and will revolutionize your gameplay experience. Let’s dive in and learn the secrets to obtaining this incredible asset.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Jetragon is the fastest flying mount in the game and can be obtained by defeating it as a boss.
  • Using legendary spheres and ice Pals, you can cheese the Jetragon boss to make the fight easier.
  • Building a structure near the boss’s spawn point can also provide an advantage during the fight.

Obtaining the Fastest Flying Mount:

In order to acquire the Jetragon, players must defeat it as a boss. This boss can only be found in one location, which is at the volcano on the map. To increase your chances of catching the Jetragon, it is recommended to use legendary spheres and ice Pals. Ice Pals have the ability to freeze the Jetragon, reducing the damage it can inflict. By strategically placing a pal box and utilizing ice Pals, players can effectively cheese the boss and make the fight more manageable.

Building a Structure for Advantage:

Another method of cheesing the Jetragon boss is by building a structure near its spawn point. This structure can provide cover and allow players to safely attack the boss from a distance. By building walls, stairs, and roofs, players can create a platform to fight from. Additionally, having a base nearby allows players to respawn quickly and continue the fight without the boss regaining its health. This method requires careful positioning and planning, but it can be highly effective.

Experience Unparalleled Speed:

Once you have successfully caught the Jetragon, you will have the fastest flying mount in the game. Whether you’re exploring the map or completing quests, the Jetragon’s speed will greatly enhance your gameplay experience. With the right modifiers and abilities, this mount can reach incredible speeds and make traversing the world effortless. Don’t miss out on this game-changing asset.