Kodeations: Ark: Survival Ascended Faces MAJOR Problems – Can It Survive?

Kodeations discusses the critical issues plaguing Ark: Survival Ascended and questions its future.

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Griot the NPC

Welcome back to the channel survivors! In a recent video, Kodeations dives into the major problems facing Ark: Survival Ascended and raises concerns about its ability to survive in the gaming industry. From ongoing performance issues to road map delays and unmet promises, the game is struggling to meet player expectations. Kodeations also highlights the developers’ focus on releasing new content instead of fixing existing issues, resulting in a lack of stability and enjoyable gameplay experience. The official network servers have been plagued with issues, causing frustration and driving players away. Additionally, the introduction of pay-to-win elements has sparked a significant backlash within the Ark community. Let’s delve deeper into these key takeaways…

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Key Takeaways:

  • Ongoing performance issues continue to plague Ark: Survival Ascended, with frequent crashes, frame rate drops, and screen tearing.
  • Road map delays and unmet promises have caused frustration and diminished the community’s faith in the game’s future.
  • The developers’ focus on releasing new content over fixing existing issues has created an imbalance and prioritized revenue generation.
  • The official network servers have numerous issues, including rollbacks, exploits, glitches, and hacking, negatively impacting the beginner and PvP experiences.
  • The introduction of pay-to-win elements, such as the pyromain creature, has split the player base and undermined the game’s competitive balance.

Performance Issues Plague the Game

Despite numerous updates, Ark: Survival Ascended continues to struggle with severe performance problems. Many players, even those with high-end PCs, report poor game performance, frequent crashes, significant frame rate drops, and screen tearing. Kodeations personally experiences these issues, even with a powerful graphics card and processor. The game’s performance issues significantly impact the overall gameplay experience and hinder the game’s ability to thrive.

Road Map Delays and Unmet Promises

The development road map for Ark: Survival Ascended has faced significant delays, with promised updates and features not being delivered on time or at all. This has led to frustration and a loss of trust among the player base. While delays are expected in Early Access games, the consistent delays and unmet promises from the developers have created uncertainty and diminished players’ faith in the game’s future. The developers must prioritize addressing these foundational issues before focusing on new content and paid DLC.

Focus on New Content Over Existing Issues

Kodeations highlights one of the biggest concerns within the Ark community—the developers’ focus on releasing new content instead of fixing existing issues. This approach prioritizes revenue generation over ensuring a stable and enjoyable gameplay experience. Players have voiced their frustrations about the introduction of new content that requires additional payments, while day one bugs, performance problems, graphical glitches, and exploits remain unresolved. The imbalance between new content and fixing foundational bugs hampers the game’s potential for long-term success.

Issues with the Official Network Servers

The official network servers, which serve as the beginner and new player experience, have been plagued with issues. Rollbacks, exploits, glitches, hacking, and server shutdowns have created a negative and unfair environment for players. These problems are particularly damaging in the PvP environment, where stability and fairness are essential. Players invest time and effort into the game, and when their progress is undone by server issues, it leads to frustration and drives players away. The official network servers need significant improvements to provide a better beginner experience.

Perceived Pay-to-Win Elements

The introduction of pay-to-win elements, such as the pyromain creature, has sparked controversy within the Ark community. The pyromain, only obtainable through a paid content pack, has divided players into those who see it as pay-to-win and those who believe the money goes toward supporting development. Regardless of which side players are on, the presence of pay-to-win mechanics undermines the competitive balance of the game. This issue further divides the community and raises concerns about future additions of powerful creatures. To maintain the integrity of the game and keep the community engaged, addressing these pay-to-win elements is crucial.