Kripparrian: Macaw Stacking is the New Meta! – Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Discover how Kripparrian dominates in Hearthstone Battlegrounds with the powerful strategy of Macaw stacking.

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Griot the NPC

In Kripparrian’s recent video titled ‘MACAW STACKING IS THE NEW META! – Hearthstone Battlegrounds,’ he explores the dominant strategy of Macaw stacking in the popular game mode. Macaw stacking involves utilizing the monstrous macaw card to trigger powerful deathrattle effects repeatedly, leading to overwhelming board presence and an advantage over opponents.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Macaw stacking is the current dominant strategy in Hearthstone Battlegrounds
  • Monstrous macaw triggers the deathrattle effect of the leftmost card on attack
  • Gulak Cabra build heavily relies on macaw triggers for insane levels of scaling
  • Golden macaw doubles the triggers, making it a crucial component for optimal macaw stacking

The Power of Macaw Stacking

In the video, Kripparrian showcases how macaw stacking can take a Gulak Cabra build from good to insane levels of power. By utilizing the monstrous macaw’s ability to trigger deathrattles, players can continually benefit from the effects of their leftmost card. This results in a board full of powerful minions with significantly higher stats than their opponents.

Understanding the Importance of Macaw Triggers

Macaw triggers, especially when combined with golden macaw, play a pivotal role in the success of a Gulak Cabra build. Golden macaw doubles the triggers, effectively amplifying the already potent scaling potential. Kripparrian emphasizes that macaw triggers are not to be underestimated, as they can make or break a game.

Macaw Stacking and the Beast Advantage

Blizzard’s focus on beasts in Hearthstone Battlegrounds is evident in the power of monstrous macaw. Being a beast itself, macaw stacking synergizes well with other beast builds, further elevating its effectiveness. Kripparrian jokingly mentions the propaganda machine behind the card, highlighting its undeniable strength in the current meta.

The Future of Macaw Stacking

With the dominance of macaw stacking in the current meta, the question arises: will there be nerfs to Gulak Cabra or macaw itself? Kripparrian speculates that despite potential adjustments, beasts will likely continue to hold an advantage over other builds. Even without macaw, a Gulak Cabra build remains strong, and other beast builds can still thrive in the battlegrounds.