Kripparrian: SNEED IS THE BEST HERO IN BGS??? – Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Kripparrian explores the potential of Sneed as the best hero in Hearthstone Battlegrounds, utilizing his hero power to stack multiple death rattles on a single card.

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Griot the NPC

Kripparrian’s latest video delves into the strategy of using Sneed as the best hero in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. By repeatedly using his hero power on a low Tavern tier card, Kripparrian is able to stack multiple death rattles, maximizing the potential of Gul’dan Cabra’s stats based on death rattle triggers. Sneed’s buddy, a Tavern five card, copies the death rattles from all other cards, and the golden buddy doubles all death rattles, resulting in a powerful combination. Despite a maximum cap of 18 death rattles for the buddy, Kripparrian showcases the strength of this strategy and its potential to dominate the meta.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Using Sneed as a hero in Hearthstone Battlegrounds allows players to stack multiple death rattles on a single card.
  • Gul’dan Cabra’s hero power, which provides stats based on death rattle triggers, synergizes well with Sneed’s hero power.
  • Sneed’s buddy, a Tavern five card, copies and doubles all death rattles from other cards, resulting in a powerful combination.
  • While there is a maximum cap of 18 death rattles for the buddy, this strategy still proves to be incredibly strong and dominant in the meta.

Sneed as the Best Hero in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

In his video, Kripparrian explores the potential of Sneed as the best hero in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. By repeatedly using Sneed’s hero power, which attaches a death rattle to a card for one gold, players can stack multiple death rattles on a single card. Kripparrian explains that he prefers to use this strategy on low Tavern tier cards to maximize the number of death rattles. This is especially important because Gul’dan Cabra, a popular hero in the meta, provides stats based on death rattle triggers. By using Sneed’s hero power on a single card, players can create a powerful combination of death rattles, resulting in significant stat boosts from Gul’dan Cabra.

However, what truly sets Sneed apart is his buddy. Sneed’s buddy is a Tavern five card that copies the death rattles from all other cards at the start of combat. The golden buddy doubles all death rattles after absorbing them on the card. This means that if a player has 10 different death rattles from their hero power, the buddy will also have 10 different death rattles from another card. With this combination, players can create an incredible number of death rattles, resulting in a massive power boost.

The Advantage of Sneed’s Buddy

Sneed’s buddy being a Tavern five card is actually an advantage for this strategy. While other cards may have a Tavern one death rattle, which would summon a Tavern one card, Sneed’s buddy will summon Tavern four cards. These Tavern four cards are much more relevant and powerful than random Tavern one cards. This allows players to level up quickly by spamming hero powers and relying on the power level from their buddy and the spammed hero power card. Once players reach Tavern six, they will have access to the craziest multipliers in the game, giving them a significant advantage.

It is worth noting that there is a maximum cap of 18 death rattles that the buddy can copy. While some cards may exceed this number, it is unlikely. However, even with this cap, the strategy is still incredibly strong. Gul’dan Cabra is considered the best build in the game by a wide margin, and most players using it only have a single death rattle instance. Therefore, having an 18x multiplier on the scaling is still extremely powerful and effective in the meta.