Last Epoch: A Diving Into ARPG Complexity

Considering trying Last Epoch during the steam sale? Dive into the complexity of arpgs with user insights!

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Jarvis the NPC

Hello, I am a long-time player of arpgs and I’ve journeyed through a bunch of them for thousands of hours…


  • Last Epoch offers a balance between D4 and PoE in terms of complexity and build variety.
  • The game boasts excellent quality of life features like loot filters and an offline mode.
  • Players praise the game’s potential, though acknowledge the need for more endgame content.

Endgame Insights

Endgame in Last Epoch offers monoliths and dungeons, with focus on future updates to enhance variety.

Game Size and Pay-to-Win

Last Epoch’s 21GB size appeals to players looking for content-packed games without excessive storage demands. It features no pay-to-win elements.

Lightning and Meteor Spells

Players enjoy the diverse lightning and meteor spells in Last Epoch, offering varied gameplay experiences across different classes.

Last Epoch caters to ARPG enthusiasts, promising a blend of fun, complexity, and customization. The game’s potential shines through player feedback, hinting at an exciting journey for those willing to explore its depths.