Last Epoch: A Look at Stunning Visuals and Player Sentiments

Discover the visuals and player sentiments on Last Epoch. See how the community reacts to the game's animations and reflections.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch is making waves in the gaming community with its stunning visuals, animations, and reflections. Dive into the subreddit to see how players are reacting!


  • Players marvel at the high-quality animations and reflections, praising the game’s visual appeal.
  • Some users appreciate the indie studio’s impressive work on the game’s graphics, highlighting its quality.
  • Comparisons to other games like PoE arise, with varying opinions on certain visual elements.

Sentiments on Visuals

LirSkle expressed admiration, mentioning potential microtransactions. LyckaYK praised the quality, noting it’s from an indie studio.

Performance Concerns

stop_talking_you criticized performance issues, citing FPS drops in endgame content. Menu_Dizzy found the visuals more fitting for Last Epoch than PoE.

Community Reactions

007700We simply expressed the desire for the game, while ducknator drew a humorous comparison to a YouTube video.

Last Epoch shines with its visual elements, sparking a mix of excitement and criticism from its community.