Last Epoch: A Unique ARPG Experience – What Reddit Thinks

Gamers debate the uniqueness of Last Epoch's items and combat compared to popular ARPGs in this Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch, a game often compared to PoE in the ARPG community, sparks heated discussions on Reddit. Users share their thoughts on unique items and combat mechanics. What sets Last Epoch apart from other ARPGs? Let’s dive in.


  • Users find Last Epoch’s unique items to be integral to build diversity and exciting gameplay.
  • The combat in Last Epoch is a point of contention, with some preferring the tactile feel of PoE while others enjoy the fluidity of Last Epoch.
  • Endgame content and trading mechanics in Last Epoch receive mixed feedback from players.

Uniqueness of Items

Players in the thread discuss the variety of unique and set items in Last Epoch. Some compare them to PoE items, noting the build-defining nature of certain uniques. While others appreciate the diversity, some seek more depth in interactions across different item types like in PoE.

Combat Mechanics

The combat feel in Last Epoch raises contrasting opinions. While some gamers find it less crunchy than PoE, others praise its fine-tuned gameplay and evolving enemy density. The introduction of an ‘evade’ action in the upcoming cycle adds a new layer to combat dynamics.

Endgame and Trading

Concerns about Last Epoch’s endgame content arise in the comments. Players express preferences for mapping in PoE over monoliths/echoes in Last Epoch. Trading experiences in Last Epoch are critiqued for their UI and merchant guild leveling mechanics, with some players leaning towards self-crafting for a more engaging experience.