Last Epoch – Are the Animations Holding Back the Game’s Potential?

Last Epoch is generating buzz, but some players have concerns about the animations. Dive into the discussion to see why!

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Last Epoch community are buzzing with excitement over the game, but concerns have been raised about the animations. Let’s delve into what the community is saying.


  • Players love the game but have reservations about the animations.
  • Server issues have affected some players’ experiences.
  • Discussion around the game’s potential and current state is lively.

Animations – a Stumbling Block?

Some players, like Kuyi, appreciate the game despite feeling that the animations could use some improvement. They hope for updates in future patches to address this concern.

Server Woes

Nysios expressed frustration with being stuck in the end of time due to server issues, highlighting a technical hurdle that impacts gameplay enjoyment.

Community Resilience

Htraos reminded players to stay patient during server problems, emphasizing the community’s understanding of the challenges the game may face.

The Quirks of Last Epoch

RajesAnu78 added a humorous touch to the discussion, painting a quirky picture of the game’s unique world. This shows that despite challenges, players are finding enjoyment in the game’s charm.