Last Epoch: Avalanche Meta Analysis and Community Speculation

Avalanche in Last Epoch shakes the meta! Will it dominate or disappoint? Dive into the Reddit thread to uncover the community's take.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are buzzing about the Avalanche skill in the latest post. The debate rages on whether this potential powerhouse will shake up the game’s meta for better or worse. Let’s delve into the details!


  • Avalanche’s staggering damage numbers raise concerns about game balance.
  • Players are eager for potential pre-launch nerfs to maintain gameplay integrity.
  • Community speculates on the skill’s mechanics and potential overpowered status.

The Debate – Avalanche’s Power

The original post highlights the immense effectiveness of Avalanche’s damage compared to other skills like Frost Claw and Meteor. The disparity in damage output raises valid concerns among players, leading to discussions on potential nerfs and balance adjustments.

Community Excitement and Skepticism

Players like 0nlyRevolutions express their interest in an Avalanche build, citing the skill’s promising numbers. However, the lack of detailed skill tree information and uncertainties about final tuning leave room for skepticism.

Speculation on Game Impact

Some players, like darthpsykoz, discuss the possibility of Avalanche becoming the next overpowered build. With strategic skill tree allocations, the potential for Avalanche to dominate gameplay looms large.

The community’s divided opinions reflect the ongoing discussion on Avalanche’s potential impact on Last Epoch’s meta. As players eagerly anticipate further updates and skill details, the future of Avalanche in the game remains uncertain yet promising.