Last Epoch: Choosing the Best Class for Your Adventure

Discover the best class to play in Last Epoch's new cycle and navigate the diverse opinions of seasoned players on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the intricate world of Last Epoch, players often find themselves pondering the ideal class choice for their upcoming adventures. In a recent Reddit post, user SirMariio sparked a lively discussion by seeking advice on selecting a class for the new cycle.


  • Players await patch notes for balanced class selections.
  • Classes like Primalist and Necro find favor among the community.
  • Build variety and viability remain key aspects in choosing a class.

Favoring Primalist

Many players highlighted the allure of the Primalist class, particularly praising its enjoyable gameplay mechanics and mastery choices. User dgwdgw advised waiting for patch notes to ensure informed decisions, emphasizing the significance of class balance adjustments to enhance the overall experience. Others echoed this sentiment, acknowledging that the evolving nature of the game necessitates caution when committing to a specific class.

Diverse Class Preferences

User Heavy_GamingTV revealed plans to unleash the might of an Erasing Strike Void Knight, showcasing excitement for utilizing new unique items in their build. This exemplifies the creativity and individuality players embrace when venturing into Last Epoch’s class selection process. Comments from jay273 underscored the importance of flexibility, recommending a patient approach to allow for adaptations based on upcoming changes.

Build Viability and Fun Factor

Several community members, including casualdadeqms and ilovepolthavemybabie, expressed confidence in Last Epoch’s track record of providing diverse and engaging class options. The sentiment echoed throughout the thread reinforces the notion that regardless of specific class choices, players can expect a fulfilling and enjoyable experience characterized by robust build viability and exploration of distinct playstyles.

Delving into Last Epoch’s captivating universe, the community’s shared enthusiasm for selecting classes reflects a collective dedication to embracing the game’s intricate mechanics and immersive gameplay. As players venture forth in the new cycle, the diverse perspectives and insights shared on Reddit serve as valuable guides to navigate the ever-evolving world of Last Epoch.