Last Epoch: Community Rant on Referral Codes and Cosmetics

Users express frustration over referral code cosmetics in Last Epoch.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Last Epoch community are buzzing with frustration over the latest cosmetic updates.


  • Community divided over referral code cosmetics.
  • Some see it as a waste of time and insult.
  • Others enjoy the cosmetic updates.

Ranting Against Referral Codes

Many players feel outrage at the referral code-based cosmetics, considering them a pointless addition. Users like CloudConductor propose solutions to avoid such mechanics, criticizing the system as a waste of time and insulting to players. On a lighter note, Neleothesze jokes about exchanging referral codes for bees with their spouse, finding some joy amidst the chaos.

The Bee Dilemma

Users like Educational-Error212 and TimeToEatAss suggest giving the bees for free, highlighting the annoyance of spamming chat with referral codes. Cad_Ash expresses concern over the acquisition method choices, questioning the thought process behind implementing such a system. The frustration with the referral code method extends to the disruption it causes in chat interactions during gameplay.

Missed Opportunities and Unhappy Players

Some players, like Yozuka, lament the missed opportunity for newer players to experience the excitement of exclusive content like the EA bees. Benzo7690 rallies with #FreeTheBees, indicating a shared sentiment among frustrated players.