Last Epoch: Deciding Between Circle of Fortune and Merchant Guild

Which path to follow in Last Epoch? Dive into the debates around Circle of Fortune vs. Merchant Guild in this community analysis.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Last Epoch community, players are torn between two distinct paths: Circle of Fortune and Merchant Guild.


  • Merchant Guild for faster gearing up
  • Circle of Fortune for long-term, multi-character gameplay
  • Players appreciate CoF for RNG drops

Merchant Guild: The Speedy Route

Players flock to the Merchant Guild for its efficiency in gearing up quickly. It’s seen as the go-to choice for those looking to min/max a single character.

Circle of Fortune: The Daring Alternative

On the flip side, Circle of Fortune attracts those aiming for sustained, multi-character play. The thrill of chasing RNG drops appeals to many, despite the time investment.

Players’ Dilemma

The community reflects diverse opinions, ranging from pragmatic gear optimization to a penchant for exploration and self-found items. Ultimately, the decision lies in individual playstyle preferences.

Each choice offers unique advantages and challenges, adding depth to the player experience and fostering lively discussions within the Last Epoch player base.