Last Epoch: EU West Queue Woes and Workarounds

Is Last Epoch unplayable with 35k queue? Reddit users share their experiences and solutions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are facing long queues in EU West. Some find ways to skip the queue while others express frustration over server issues.


  • Players report mixed experiences with EU West server queues.
  • Some users suggest switching servers as a workaround.
  • Issues with queue movement and server access add to player frustration.
  • Positive experiences of quick logins are also shared by some players.
  • EU West Queue Frustrations

    Players in Last Epoch’s EU West servers are experiencing significant queue times, with some reporting waits of over 30 minutes. This has led to frustration among the player base, as indicated by comments such as ‘i think they just fixed their server problems by not letting people in.’

    Workarounds and Solutions

    Some players have found temporary workarounds to bypass the queue, such as switching to US servers and then switching back to EU. While these solutions are not ideal, they offer a means to access the game during high traffic periods.

    Player Experiences

    Players have shared differing experiences with the queues, with some encountering issues like queue positions not updating accurately. Others have reported swift logins without any delays, showing a varied player experience during this period of server congestion.

    Despite the challenges, the community remains active in sharing tips and feedback to help each other navigate the queue issues.