Last Epoch: EU West Server Woes – Players Express Frustration

EU West servers in Last Epoch down, players frustrated with login issues and server performance.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players in the EU West region are experiencing login issues and server downtime, leading to frustration and disappointment among the community. Many have been unable to access the game for extended periods, prompting varied reactions.


  • Players express frustration over prolonged login issues and server downtime.
  • Suggestions to switch to US servers for temporary relief highlight the severity of the EU West server problems.
  • Community admiration for the developers clashes with growing discontent due to server-related frustrations.

Community Reactions to Server Issues

Uncle___Marty shares the common sentiment of being unable to log in for an extended period after a disconnection during gameplay, resulting in a loss.

Marian_and_Qpa’s respect for the developers dims as days of server issues lead to disappointment.

Player Criticism and Discontent

TennesseeWhisky expresses frustration with the servers, calling them ‘garbage.’

Nicenicenice03 questions the time it will take to address server issues, showcasing impatience and dissatisfaction.

Impact of Server Performance on Gameplay

Tersagun raises concerns about latency and its effects on gameplay, questioning if server delays can cause noticeable lag such as attacks registering late.

Vanrythx succinctly conveys the current situation by stating they are unable to log in, reflecting the widespread login issues.

The ongoing server problems in Last Epoch have sparked a mix of emotions within the community, ranging from understanding and patience to frustration and dissatisfaction. While players appreciate the game developers’ efforts, the persistent server issues have tested the community’s loyalty and patience.