Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin – Quality of Life Update Sparks Excitement

Fans of Last Epoch rejoice as the latest update brings significant quality of life improvements and gameplay changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are buzzing with excitement over the recent ‘Harbingers of Ruin’ update, which promises significant quality of life improvements and gameplay changes. Discover what the community has to say about these updates and whether they are hitting the mark.


  • Excitement over class improvements like Sorcerer, Shaman, and Forge Guard.
  • Questions regarding specific skills and modifiers for Forge Guard.
  • Anticipation for a potential melee patch.
  • Mixed feelings about missing features like price check in Bazar.

Class Improvements Garner Praise

Last Epoch players are thrilled with the changes to traditionally underused classes like Sorcerer, Shaman, and Forge Guard. A user, jsantos-1, expresses hope that these classes will see increased popularity with improved numbers and adjustments.

Forge Guard Passive Confusion

However, not all feedback is straightforward. Appropriate-Bite1257 raises a query about the Champion of the Forge passive for Forge Guard, seeking clarification on how it interacts with critical strike damage multipliers.

Pining for a Melee Patch

The mention of a potential melee patch by Lizard_IRL has caught the attention of the community, with many eagerly anticipating what changes it could bring to the game’s melee combat mechanics.

Mixed Reactions to Missing Features

While there is widespread praise for the overall update, some users like nicenicenice03 express disappointment over the absence of essential features like price check in Bazar, highlighting the impact of such omissions on the gameplay experience.

Last Epoch’s ‘Harbingers of Ruin’ update has certainly stirred up a whirlwind of reactions among players, from excitement over class improvements to concern about missing features. The community’s diverse perspectives continue to shape the evolving landscape of this action-packed RPG adventure.