Last Epoch: How Optimized is the Game Now?

Are performance issues in Last Epoch a thing of the past? Players share their experiences on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the performance of Last Epoch? Players discuss their experiences and whether optimization has improved in the game.


  • Players share mixed views on Last Epoch’s performance.
  • Some report stuttering and FPS drops despite high-end rigs.
  • Others mention smooth gameplay experiences since release.
  • Specs and offline mode impact performance for different players.
  • Performance Issues Persist for Some

    For some players like ‘dsturbd85,’ the game still suffers from screen stutters and FPS drops despite high-end hardware. This user highlighted issues even in the early stages of the game, suggesting optimization concerns.

    Smooth Gameplay Experiences

    Contrastingly, ‘LightPulsar’ and others share their smooth gameplay experiences since the game’s release, implying that poor performance might be specific to certain gaming setups or configurations.

    Specs and Offline Mode Impact

    Players like ‘Addict1912’ emphasize the importance of system specs and potential memory leak issues impacting performance. ‘Far_Tomatillo_7637’ notes that playing offline can circumvent some performance issues but may not be ideal for all players.