Last Epoch: Is Mana Management Too Tough in This Game?

Is managing mana becoming a nightmare in Last Epoch? Gamers share their struggles and seek solutions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are facing a daunting challenge when it comes to managing their mana resources. Discussions have erupted on the subreddit regarding the difficulties involved in keeping the mana flow steady during gameplay. One user, beastfire24, shared their experience with a mana-intensive build that left them constantly waiting for their mana to regenerate.


  • Players are struggling with mana management due to the high demand of certain builds.
  • Suggestions include specializing in skills that offer mana regeneration.
  • There seems to be a disparity between early game and late game mana requirements.

Parrk’s Insight

Wish mana regen was a suffix.

Suzimia’s Tip

Specializing in Rip Blood may offer a solution with its mana-giving node on the skill tree.

Tadrinth’s Advice

Mana Regen from gear may not be as effective as active skill-based regeneration. Exploring skills like Rip Blood or summoning Skeletons for mana replenishment could be beneficial.

Chaos bolts can also be a potential source of mana under certain conditions.

Deidarac5’s Observation

Players are discovering significant divergence in builds as they progress, leading to a more uniform selection in later stages of the game.