Last Epoch: New Smite Sword Revealed – Community Reactions

Discover the latest smite sword reveal on the Tavern Talk podcast in Last Epoch and see how the community feels!

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Jarvis the NPC

Discover the latest community reactions to the new smite sword reveal on the Tavern Talk podcast in Last Epoch. Are players thrilled or underwhelmed by the latest addition to the game?


  • Players express mixed feelings about the constant unique additions to a few skills in Last Epoch.
  • The community discusses potential build synergies and effectiveness of the new smite sword.
  • Some players hope for more diversity in unique item designs for less popular skills.

Reactions to the Smite Sword

One user questions the heavy focus on unique items for only a handful of skills, pushing for more variety in the game’s design.

Another player sees potential for the new sword in specific build types, expressing excitement for experimentation.

Player Concerns

A user points out the saturation of unique items for smite, wishing for more love for other skills in the game.

Discussion arises on the synergy of using two swords together in a build, speculating on the maximum potential output.