Last Epoch Online Woes: Queue or No Queue for Players?

Players of Last Epoch debate the need for queues in online mode amidst server struggles.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are discussing the potential implementation of queues in online mode to address server congestion issues. Some suggest a queue would create a fairer playing field, while others argue it may not be the best solution.


  • Players question the necessity of queues in Last Epoch’s online mode
  • Debate centers around server capacity and zone transition problems
  • Suggestions vary from adding more servers to limiting player counts
  • Some players believe the issues will resolve over time with the influx of players

Server Struggles

One player highlighted, ‘The problem isn’t logging in, it’s moving between zones. They are having issues with thousands of people all trying to load into an area at once.’ This issue suggests that the bottleneck lies in zone transitions rather than authentication.

Infrastructure Update

Another comment mentioned, ‘Update – 10:10 am: We are starting to spin up new infrastructure to handle increased traffic. We expect will result in some services becoming temporarily unavailable over the next 30 minutes.’ This implies that efforts are being made to improve server capacity to accommodate the player load.

Potential Solutions

One player questioned, ‘why cant they just limit the queue to the amount of players the server can handle?’ This suggests a proactive approach to managing player influx by regulating server load.

Admirable_Sun_5891 noted, ‘the problem at the moment is apparently 200k+ players are trying to play and that is stressing out the servers.’ This sheds light on the overwhelming demand for Last Epoch’s online mode.

Slight-Tip4885 succinctly expressed frustration: ‘Cant play.’ This direct statement reflects the struggles some players are facing due to server issues.

tadrinth added a technical perspective: ‘Given that their hardware is supposed to be able to handle the player counts, if they lower the max players they won’t be able to tell if their changes are helping.’ This highlights the complexity of optimizing server performance amidst high player traffic.

Ultimately, players are grappling with server congestion issues in Last Epoch’s online mode and proposing varied solutions to enhance the gaming experience.