Last Epoch: Players Concerned Over Severe FPS Drops

Gamers on the Last Epoch subreddit express frustration over increasingly unplayable FPS drops in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are raising alarms over alarming FPS drops plaguing their gameplay. Performance issues have reached a critical juncture, making certain zones borderline unplayable. The situation has sparked numerous discussions about the game’s optimization. Players are clamoring for immediate fixes to address these debilitating drops.


  • Players report severe FPS drops, particularly in monoliths, affecting gameplay.
  • Concerns over performance degradation, even on high-end machines.
  • Suggestions for potential fixes like memory leak resolution and game settings adjustments.

Community Frustration

Last Epoch enthusiasts are expressing mounting frustration as they encounter severe FPS drops, with some zones becoming nearly unplayable. Many attribute the worsening performance to recent graphic upgrades and speculate that the issue might stem from memory leaks.

Player Experiences

Players like Kunni and Ceylise share their struggles with FPS drops, detailing significant performance hits when engaging in battles or encountering large packs of enemies. Despite owning high-end setups, their experiences underscore the widespread nature of the problem.

Potential Solutions

Diverse suggestions are circulating within the community, from enabling streamer mode to switching game settings. However, the prevalence of these issues indicates a need for comprehensive fixes to ensure a smoother gaming experience.

The Last Epoch community’s outcry illustrates the urgency for developers to address these performance issues promptly. Players’ frustrations are palpable, highlighting the critical importance of optimizing the game to deliver a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience. As discussions continue on Reddit and beyond, the ball is now in the developers’ court to prioritize resolving these pressing concerns.