Last Epoch: Positive Sentiment Towards Recent Patch

Players rejoice as the latest patch brings improved multiplayer experience in Last Epoch.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players celebrate a game-changing patch that enhances multiplayer gameplay. The community shares their excitement and gratitude for the improved experience.


  • Community elated with enhanced multiplayer performance
  • Players express gratitude towards developers
  • Some users report improved loading times between zones

Positive Feedback

WinRemarkable5968 expresses delight in the smoother multiplayer experience post-patch, highlighting reduced loading times between zones.

Server Stability Clarification

Ok-Reporter6316 clarifies that the recent patch focused on bug fixes and gameplay improvements rather than server stability, highlighting the different teams involved in the development process.

Community Excitement

Players like bonesnaps are eager to test out the improvements with their party after encountering rough loading screens previously, showcasing anticipation for a smoother gameplay experience.