Last Epoch: Reddit’s Take on the Druid Class

Druids in Last Epoch got Reddit talking! Find out what players feel about the class.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are discussing their sentiments about the Druid class. Let’s dive into the Reddit thread!


  • Players find Druids in Last Epoch to have varying gameplay experiences.
  • Some enjoy the unique abilities of the Druid, such as lightning swarmblade builds.
  • Others express disappointment with certain nerfs that affected the class.

Positive Reviews

One player shared their excitement about their lightning swarmblade Druid, dashing around with incredible speed and power, creating a dynamic gameplay experience.

Another player praised the laid-back playstyle of their thorn totem Druid, highlighting the fun aspect of the class.

Negative Feedback

However, some players expressed dissatisfaction with certain nerfs that impacted the Druid class, causing them to reconsider their choice of character.

One player critiqued the slow start of their gameplay with a swipe werebear, highlighting the challenges faced during the campaign.

Despite varied opinions, it’s clear that the Druid class in Last Epoch sparks lively discussions among players.