Last Epoch: Should We Add Another Step to Delete Character?

Gamers discuss whether Last Epoch needs an extra step to delete characters for greater confirmation.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are grappling with the idea of adding an extra confirmation step when deleting characters to prevent unintended actions.


  • Players suggest adding confirmations when deleting characters to avoid accidental deletions.
  • Some believe the current system provides enough safeguards, while others desire additional security measures.
  • Suggestions range from text verifications to timed confirmation buttons for player reassurance.

Users’ Perspective

Skibity agrees with the proposal, emphasizing how easy it is to make mistakes. They highlight the potential risks associated with the current system.

Elastichedgehog acknowledges the validity of the concern, noting the possibility of unintended consequences without an extra verification step.


Ridiculisk1 questions the necessity of additional steps, pointing out the existing confirmation dialogues. They express skepticism about the prevalence of accidental deletions.

SquareInspectorMC suggests that players should be more cautious and attentive, implying that errors can be avoided by reading prompts carefully.

Alternative Solutions

goldengarfield supports the idea with a simple agreement, indicating a widespread sentiment among players for enhanced security measures.

Adrisoft adds a brief comment to boost the post’s visibility, indicating some level of agreement or interest.