Last Epoch Suggestion: Comparing Rings in Inventory

Gamers in the Last Epoch subreddit discuss the need for a feature to compare rings in inventory, sparking frustration and humorous reactions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are voicing their frustrations over the inability to compare both rings in inventory, prompting humorous quips and suggestions on Reddit.


  • Players express annoyance at the lack of ability to compare rings in inventory efficiently.
  • Suggestions range from adding hotkeys for comparison to swapping ring slots as a workaround.
  • Some users humorously reference sacrifices to coding gods to implement the feature.
  • This oversight highlights the need for quality of life improvements in the game’s UI.

Player Frustrations

JeannValjean points out the inconvenience of comparing rings, a sentiment echoed by many players including steaknshake716, who was relieved to find others facing the same issue.

Coding Sacrifices

Mael_Jade humorously suggests that enabling the comparison feature might require mystical human sacrifices to appease the coding gods.

Community Suggestions

Backsightz mentions the community’s desire for an easier way to compare both ring slots, while Jerikolol proposes using hotkeys for quick comparisons.

Players like SxC-Hydromorphine1 have resorted to manual ring swapping as a temporary fix, indicating the immediate need for a more user-friendly solution.

In conclusion, the Last Epoch community’s discussion on comparing rings showcases their passion for quality of life improvements in the game, sprinkled with a mix of humor and frustration.