Last Epoch: The Gambler’s Fallacy + Falconry Leveling Combo Discussion

Join the discussion on the unique leveling combo in Last Epoch and explore player sentiments on its effectiveness.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are buzzing about a unique leveling combo that involves the Gambler’s Fallacy and Falconry. The mix of items and skills has ignited a debate among the community, with players sharing their insights and concerns.


  • Players are divided on whether the combo is overpowered or clever.
  • Some appreciate the creativity, while others worry about balance.
  • The interaction with crit mechanics and cooldown reduction is a point of contention.

Gambler’s Fallacy – A Risky Business

Last Epoch players are torn between celebrating the innovative use of Gambler’s Fallacy in this combo and expressing concerns about its potential to disrupt game balance. Some believe it adds a thrilling element of unpredictability, while others fear it could lead to exploits.

The Falconry Factor

Falconry’s role in this leveling strategy has sparked a lively debate within the community. Some players point out the clever synergy it offers with the Gambler’s Fallacy, while others raise valid concerns about how it interacts with critical damage and cooldown reduction.

Cheesy or Genius?

Players’ reactions to this combo range from calling it cheesy to hailing it as a stroke of genius. The divide in opinions reflects the diverse styles of play and preferences within the Last Epoch community.

As discussions continue to unfold, it’s clear that players are passionate about exploring new strategies and pushing the boundaries of gameplay in Last Epoch. The community’s engagement with this leveling combo highlights the game’s dynamic nature and the depth of its mechanics.