Last Epoch: Umbral Blades Bug or Feature? Exploring Community Feedback

Dive into the Last Epoch community's discourse on Umbral Blades and discover whether it's a bug or intended gameplay!

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are buzzing about an intriguing topic surrounding Umbral Blades. One player, Mewimew, raised concerns about the skill not functioning as expected. Let’s delve into the community’s responses and insights!


  • Players discuss whether Umbral Blades’ behavior is a bug or a feature.
  • Community members recommend using Precision Cuts for desired targeting.
  • Suggestions range from reporting issues in-game to understanding the game’s beta status.

Umbral Blades: Bug or Feature?

The debate revolves around whether Umbral Blades’ behavior aligns with player expectations. Some argue it’s a feature, while others perceive it as a bug. The skill’s nuances spark diverse player interpretations and strategies.

Insightful Community Responses

One user, xDaveedx, highlights the importance of submitting detailed bug reports in-game to address perceived issues promptly. This proactive approach aids developers in refining the gaming experience for all players.

Beta Phase and Community Support

Players like BleiEntchen emphasize the evolving nature of Last Epoch’s development, urging fellow gamers to be patient and supportive as the team continues to enhance the game. Understanding the game’s beta status is crucial for managing expectations and contributing constructively.

The Last Epoch community’s engagement underscores the passion and dedication players have for the game’s growth and improvement. By fostering open discussions and sharing valuable insights, gamers contribute to a vibrant and collaborative gaming community.