Last Epoch: Volumetric Lighting On vs Off – What Players Really Think

Players in the Last Epoch subreddit debate the impact of volumetric lighting on gameplay experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are divided over the effects of volumetric lighting in the game…


  • Players are split on the impact of volumetric lighting, with differing opinions on immersion and visual clarity.
  • Some prefer the glow around sources, while others find it distracting in certain areas.
  • The debate highlights how player preferences can vary based on playstyle and game experience.

Opposing Views on Volumetric Lighting

“Brightness set to low cleaned it up for me, and you still get the volumetric glow around sources without washing out the screen,” said The10GallonHat, reflecting a preference for a balanced approach.

Immersion vs Visual Clarity

Devlin1991 offered a contrasting view, stating, “I feel like the volumetric lighting really unifies the scene, especially in foggy/misty areas.” This perspective emphasizes immersion over visual clarity for some players.

Community Insights

Plane-Start7412 added, “Yeah, in some games volumetric lightning sucks. Ark Ascended has the same issue,” pointing out how execution can impact player perception.