Last Epoch: Ward Nerfs Discussion and Player Concerns

Players voice mixed feelings on the recent ward nerfs in Last Epoch, questioning if the changes go far enough.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players recently discussed the effectiveness of ward nerfs in a Reddit post by Skulledwiz. The community expressed mixed sentiments regarding the potential impact of these changes and their implications on gameplay strategies.


  • Players question if the ward nerfs are sufficient or if they still leave ward as the dominant defensive option.
  • Concerns raised about outliers with extreme ward values and the overall balance of defensive strategies.
  • Community members debate the significance of ward changes and their effects on various gameplay builds.

Players Analyze the Changes

Many players expressed a wait-and-see approach, emphasizing the need to review the upcoming patch notes before passing final judgment. Comments suggested that the intention behind the nerfs was not to eliminate ward but to maintain its viability as an endgame defense option. Some players highlighted the importance of incorporating additional layers of defense alongside ward for optimal effectiveness.

Community Perspectives

Several users pointed out the developer’s acknowledgment of outliers in ward generation and the accompanying adjustments to the ward decay formula. This insight provided reassurance to some players regarding the balancing efforts being implemented. Others commended the incremental approach taken by the developers to fine-tune the game’s mechanics, emphasizing the importance of gradual changes in achieving balance.

Debates on Defensive Strategies

Discussions within the community revolved around the comparative advantages of different defensive strategies, particularly focusing on the trade-offs between raw HP, endurance, and ward. Players debated the necessity of encouraging varied defensive approaches in different character builds to prevent a singular dominance of ward as the go-to option for high corruption pushes.

Ultimately, the diverse viewpoints shared by players reflect the complexities of balancing defensive mechanics in Last Epoch and the ongoing evolution of gameplay strategies. As the community awaits the upcoming changes, the discussions surrounding ward nerfs demonstrate the community’s engagement with the game’s development and their desire for a diverse and dynamic gameplay experience.