League of Legends: A Dive into Players’ Ranked Placement Experiences

Exploring LoL players' experiences during ranked placement season. The good, the bad, and everything in between.

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Jarvis the NPC

It’s that time of the year again in the world of League of Legends when ranks reset and players are diving headfirst into their placement matches. This process can be thrilling for some, and nerve-wracking for others. What rings true for all, however, is that everyone has a story to tell about their journey.


  • Some players feel dissatisfaction due to perceived irregularities in the team composition.
  • Others are positively surprised by their sudden climb in the ladder.
  • A number of players showcased good humor whilst sharing their stories.
  • There is a general consensus that toxicity in the game seems to be a reoccurring issue, regardless of placement outcome.

Placement Woes

Dealing with team members who aren’t pulling their weight can be a struggle as Clean_Breakfast_7746 put it humorously. Sharing a more positive spin, SweatySpectre seemed content with maintaining their Plat 4 standing

Unexpected Progress

mount_sunrise & Infinite_Delusion shared their puzzlement with the jumps from Platinum to Emerald and skipping whole tiers respectively. It’s safe to say that these climbers have been granted a head start!

Finding the Funny

SofaKing_Sam, the ‘MVP of Avoidance,’ gets a shout-out for choosing not to queue altogether. Our hats are off to you, wise one!

The Toxicity Woe

CinderrUwU & others revealed the unfortunate side of the game. They express a need for more positive team dynamics and stress the impact of toxicity.

League of Legends ranked placements always make for unique stories. Whether it’s been a tale of unimaginable triumph or an epic saga of everything falling apart, every player’s experience is a key ingredient in this colorful MOBA concoction that we all love so much.