League of Legends: Analyzing Stormsurge as a Bait Item

Is Stormsurge worth the gold or just a bait? Dive into the heated discussions surrounding this controversial item in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent Reddit post, user kracketmatow delves into the hot topic of Stormsurge in League of Legends. They analyze the item’s effectiveness, comparing it to popular choices like Void Staff and Cosmic Drive. Let’s explore the community’s sentiments towards this divisive item.


  • Stormsurge may offer unique utility but falls short in damage potential compared to Void Staff.
  • Players debate whether Stormsurge is a viable option for late-game mage builds.

Community Sentiments

Rigel27 criticizes Stormsurge as a lackluster option, overshadowed by superior items like Shadowflame.

Taco_Dunkey advises against choosing Stormsurge over essential items like Cryptbloom or Void Staff.

coconuteater7560 suggests evaluating other items like Cryptbloom for better performance.

Player Feedback

Fedoran_ emphasizes the importance of AP values in utility items, questioning Stormsurge’s viability.

FoxGoesBOOM shares dissatisfaction with Stormsurge’s underpowered state, calling for potential adjustments.

ANTHONYEVELYN5 highlights the practicality of defensive items over Stormsurge for consistent damage output.


While opinions on Stormsurge vary, it remains a contentious choice in League of Legends. Whether it’s deemed a bait or a strategic addition, players continue to debate its role in mage builds.