League of Legends: Are Three Ranked Splits Too Many? Exploring Player Sentiments

Are three ranked splits in League of Legends really necessary? What do players think about this system? Let's dive into the discussions!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are debating the necessity of three ranked splits in the game. Participants on Reddit have shared their opinions, with diverse viewpoints shaping the discourse.


  • Players express concerns about the frequency of MMR resets.
  • Some prefer two splits with a preseason for better balance.
  • Discussion highlights the impact of split resets on player motivation.
  • Comparisons to other games shed light on different ranking systems.

Is Two Splits Better?

While some players advocate for two splits with a preseason, others raise concerns about the grind required to readjust MMR each split. The debate rages on with varying perspectives.

Rank Reset Issues

Players discuss the frustrations of rank and MMR resets, questioning the necessity of such drastic changes with each split. The impact on game balance and player satisfaction is a central point of contention.

Player Motivation and Burnout

Several users share experiences of decreased motivation and burnout due to frequent split resets. The struggle to maintain interest and commitment in ranked games under this system is a common theme.